

this is a savory spicy Indian street food popular across our country. It is originally a Maharashtrian dish. This is a vegetarian fast food which consists of deep fried potato fritter which is sandwiched between bread roll-Pav. It has green chutney along with hot and spicy dry garlic chutney also.

Prepare green chutney.

Prepare bataka vada

prepare garlic chutney.

Tamarind chutney(imli-khajur chutney)optional

fried chilli

See recipe of all of the above on this blog.


Slit pav, keep one side intact. Apply green chutney, garlic chutney. Flatten vada and place in the center. Enjoy this with fried green chutney.

Other option is put butter heat and put pav and then add these chutney and vada and eat it. (this version is available in Ahmedabad.


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